Hey Youtube im back with another top 25 cydia apps and tweaks,and this episode ill be showing you some great tweaks that you may find useful or not even know about,and if you havent checked out my first episode you can check that out here in the description,I made A lot of mistakes on it,and if i make mistakes on this video,i apologize for,ill be saying the name of the tweak,talk a little about it and show you a short preview,and ill be puttin all of the names and sources in the description. Let me know what you think,were these useful?? or did i review tweaks that youve heard of a million times??Also please LIKE/COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE, Ill for sure make more episodes if you have any suggestions on what tweak i should add just let me know once again thanks and see you guys in the next one. Add Me On Facebook: Mespiritu91 Follow Me On Twitter: Mespiritu20 Episode 1:www.youtube.com Episode 3:www.youtube.com Sources: Banned iPhone: h7v.org/ Bite Your Apple: Repo.biteyourapple.net/ HackYouriPhone: repo.hackyouriphone.org/ iHacksRepo: iHacksrepo.com/ Insanelyi Repo: Repo.insanelyi.com/ iPhoneNerd: Cydia.iPhoneNerd.com/ Sinful iPhone Repo: sinfuliphonerepo.com/ xSellize: Cydia.xSellize.com/ Cydia Tweaks: 1)FastBlurredNotificationCenter ( 0:35 ) 2)Calendar Pro For Notification Center ( 0:53 ) 3)PowerCenter Pro ( 1:41 ) 4)ClearLockNotifications ( 2:20 ) 5)SlideToMod ( 2:53 ) 6)Fastclear ( 3:26 ) 7)DePersistWifi ( 3:48 ) 8)WeeTrackData For NotificationCenter ( 4:39 ) 9 ...
Keywords: Top, ipad, Cydia, IOS, Ipod, Iphone, Ipod Touch, App, Best, Review, Apple, 3gs, Store, Itunes, Apps, Everytime, Application, 25, episode, amazing, new, released, part, Everytime Touch, fastblurrednotificationcenter, Calendar, Pro, For, Notification, Center, powercenter, clearlocknotifications, slidetomod, Fastclear, depersistwifi, weetrackdata, notificationcenter, swipeshiftcaret, faststatus, smsmileys, weetoolbox, notificastioncenter, IOS5, Battery, Fix
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